



文字:[大][中][小] 手機頁面二維碼 2018/8/11     瀏覽次數:    

Engine Control發動機控制器   (MID No. 036) CID Component元件挖掘機維修,挖掘機修理,維修挖掘機,修理挖掘機

0001        Injector Solenoid 1st Cylinder          1#缸噴油器電磁閥

0002        Injector Solenoid 2nd Cylinder          2#缸噴油器電磁閥

0003        Injector Solenoid 3rd Cylinder          3#缸噴油器電磁閥

0004        Injector Solenoid 4th Cylinder          4#缸噴油器電磁閥

0005        Injector Solenoid 5th Cylinder          5#缸噴油器電磁閥

0006        Injector Solenoid 6th Cylinder          6#缸噴油器電磁閥

0041        8V DC Supply                           8V直流電源

0042        Injection Actuation Control Valve        噴油器促動控制閥

0091        Throttle Position Signal油門位置信號

0094        Fuel Pressure Sensor燃油壓力國傳感器

0100        Engine Oil Pressure Sensor發動機機油壓力傳感器

0110        Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor發動機冷卻液溫度傳感器

0164        Injector Actuation Pressure噴油器促動壓力

0168        System Voltage系統電壓

0172        Intake Manifold Air Temperature進氣岐管空氣溫度

0175        Engine Oil Temperature Sensor發動機機油溫度傳感器

0190        Engine Speed Sensor發動機速度傳感器

0253        Personality Module個性模塊

0261        Engine Timing Calibration發動機正時校驗

0262        5V Sensor DC Power Supply 5V傳感器直流電源

0268        Check Programable Parameters檢查可編程參數

0273        Turbo Outlet Pressure Sensor渦輪增壓器出口壓力傳感器

0274        Atmospheric Pressure Sensor大氣壓力傳感器

0286        Oil Lamp機油燈

0342        Secondary Engine Speed Sensor次級發動機速度傳感器

0617        Air Inlet Heater Relay空氣進氣加熱繼電器

1627        Fuel Pump Relay燃油泵繼電器

Engine / Pump Control發動機/泵控制器    (MID No. 105)

 CID        Component元件

0091        Throttle Position Signal油門位置信號

0096        Fuel Level Sensor燃油油位傳感器

0110        Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor發動機冷卻液溫度傳感器


0168        Voltage Of The Power Supply (Keyswitch)鑰匙門電壓

0190        Speed Sensor速度傳感器

0248        Cat Data Link CAT數據線

0286        Signal For Low Engine Oil Pressure發動機機油壓力低信號

0374        Swing Brake Solenoid回轉制動電磁閥

0376        Travel Alarm行走警報

0581    "ProportionalReducing Valve For The PowershiftPressure"動力換檔比例減壓閥

0586        Engine Speed Dial發動機速度盤式開關

0587        Feedback Sensor For The Governor Actuator調節器傳動裝置反饋信號

0590        Engine Controller發動機控制器

0598        Travel Speed Solenoid行走速度電磁閥

0600        Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor液壓油溫傳感器

1161        Pump Delivery Pressure 泵壓

1162        Pump Delivery Pressure泵壓

1524        "Proportional Solenoid Valve For Negative Flow Control"負流量控制比例電磁閥

1525        Straight Travel Solenoid  直線行走電磁閥

1590        "Proportional Solenoid Valve For  Negative Flow Control"負流量控制比例電磁閥挖掘機技術故障請與師傅進行溝通交流,官方網站http://www.tz556.cn修理直撥:0551-64493367技術,電話/微信:13956953738 
