



文字:[大][中][小] 手機頁面二維碼 2018/8/11     瀏覽次數:    

2002        Action Alarm警報

FMI        故障描述

0        Data valid but above normal operationl range數據正確,但高于正常范圍

1        Data valid but below normal operationl range數據正確,但低于正常范圍

2        Data erratic,intermittent ,or incorrect數據不穩,斷續或不正確

3        Voltage above normal or shorted high電壓高于正?;蛲蝗桓?/span>

4        Voltage below normal or shorted low電壓低于正常或突然低

5        Current below normal or open circuit電流低于正?;蜷_路

6        Current above normal or grounded circuit電流高于正?;蚨搪?/span>

7        Mechanical system not responding properly.機器系統沒有正確反應

8        Abnormal frequency, pulse width, or period.異常頻率、脈沖或周期

9 Abnormal update.異常更新

10        Abnormal rate of change.異常變化率

11        Failure mode not identifiable.故障模式不能確認

12        Bad device or component.壞的設備或元件

13 Out of calibration.超出校驗范圍


Event Codes                事件代碼

Engine / Pump Control發動機/泵控制器

Event Code        Condition       

017        Coolant Overheat冷卻液高溫

043        "Abnormal Battery Charge

 (Voltage To Power Supply Low)"電壓異常(電壓低)

050        "Abnormal Battery Charge

 (Voltage To Power Supply High)"電壓異常(電壓高)

059        Insufficient Level Of Coolant冷卻液不足

095        Fuel Filter Is Clogged燃油濾芯堵塞

100        Engine Oil Pressure Is Low發動機機油壓力低

119        Fuel Level Is Low燃油油位低

171        Engine Oil Level Is Low發動機機油油位低

179        "Abnormal Battery Charge

 (Charging Is Abnormal)"電瓶充電異常

232        Water Separator Draining Demand油水分離器需排水

235        Hydraulic Oil Level Is Low液壓油位低

236        Hydraulic Oil Filter Is Clogged液壓油濾芯堵塞

237        Overload Warning過載警報

272        Air Filter Is Clogged空氣濾芯堵塞

600        Hydraulic Oil Overheat液壓油高溫

862        Special Filter Is Clogged專用濾芯堵塞

863        Automatic Greasing Failure油脂自動注油失敗

Event Codes事件代碼

Engine Control發動機控制器Event Code        Condition

005        Fuel Filter Restriction Derate燃油濾芯堵塞減額

015        High Engine Coolant Temperature Derate冷卻液高溫減額

017        High Engine Coolant Temperature Warning冷卻液高溫警報

025        High Inlet Air Temperature Derate進氣溫度高減額

027        High Inlet Air Temperature Warning  進氣溫度高警報

039        Low Engine Oil Pressure Derate機油壓力低減額

096        High Fuel Pressure  燃油壓力高

100        Low Engine Oil Pressure Warning發動機機油壓力低警報

190        Engine Overspeed Warning發動機超速警報

265        User Defined Shutdown用戶自定義熄火挖掘機技術故障請與師傅進行溝通交流,官方網站http://www.tz556.cn修理直撥:0551-64493367技術,電話/微信:13956953738 
