



文字:[大][中][小] 手機頁面二維碼 2018/3/3     瀏覽次數:    

161        Injector Cylinder 1 failure        第1缸噴油器故障
162        Injector Cylinder 2 failure        第2缸噴油器故障
163        Injector Cylinder 3 failure        第3缸噴油器故障
164        Injector Cylinder 4 failure        第4缸噴油器故障
165        Injector Cylinder 5 failure        第5缸噴油器故障
166        Injector Cylinder 6 failure        第6缸噴油器故障
167        Injector Cylinder 1 warning         第1缸噴油器開路
168        Injector Cylinder 2 warning         第2缸噴油器開路
169        Injector Cylinder 3 warning        第3缸噴油器開路
16A        Injector Cylinder 4 warning        第4缸噴油器開路
16B        Injector Cylinder 5 warning        第5缸噴油器開路
16C        Injector Cylinder 6 warning        第6缸噴油器開路
16E        Minimum Injections Number not reached未達到少的噴射缸數噴油器2
171        Injector Bank 1 failure        噴油器排線1故障
172        Injector Bank 2 failure        噴油器排線2故障
17C        ECU Hardware for Injection: CY33X Chip specific failure (1) ECU的噴油器控制裝置:CY33X(1)故障
27C        ECU Hardware for Injection: CY33X Chip specific failure (2) ECU的噴油器控制裝置:CY33X(2)故障 增壓系統和渦輪機轉速挖掘機維修,挖掘機修理,維修挖掘機,修理挖掘機
19E        Torque Reduction due to Smoke Limitation限制扭矩值,以減少煙量
29D        Info: Torque Limitation due to Negative Torque Coordinator提示:因為有負扭矩產生了扭矩限制
39E        Info: Torque Limitation due to Turbo Charger Protection提示:因為增壓器保護產生了扭矩限制
49E        Info: Torque Limitation due to Engine Protection (against Excessive Torque, Engine Overspeed and Overheat)提示:由于發動機的保護對扭矩進行了限制
69E        Info: Torque Limitation due to Fuel Quantity Limitation because of Injection System Errors        提示:由于噴油系統的噴油量進行了限制,對扭矩進行限制接口1(CAN-Bus 總線)
1B1        CAN A Bus off        CAN A 關閉
1B2        CAN B Bus off        CAN B 關閉
1B3        CAN C Bus off        CAN控制器 C 關閉
1B4        CAN Message timeout BC2EDC1 (from Body Computer) CAN信息BC2EDC1超時
1B7        CAN Transmit Message timeout        CAN傳輸信息超時
2B4        CAN Message timeout BC2EDC2 (from Body Computer) CAN 信息 BC2EDC2超時
1C3        CAN Message timeout TCO1 (from Tachograph Output) CAN信息TCO1超時
1D1        ECU Hardware:  SPI Communication failureECU硬件:SPI通訊故障
1D2        ECU Hardware:  EEPROM failureECU硬件:存儲器故障
1D3        ECU recovery – lockedECU恢復-鎖定
1D4        ECU Hardware: Microcontroller Watchdog failureEDC硬件:微處理器監視器故障
1D5        ECU Hardware: Shut off during InitializationECU硬件:初始化故障
1D6        ECU Hardware: TPU MonitoringECU硬件:TPU監視
1D7        ECU Software: Variant Dataset failure ECU軟件:程序故障
1D8        Overrun Monitoring failure超速監控故障
1D9        Redundant Engine Speed in Overrun Monitoring備用發動機速度監控故障
2D3        ECU recovery - suppressedECU恢復-禁止
3D3        ECU recovery - visibleECU恢復-可見 ECU2(動力起動/靜止/超速/傳感器電源)
1E1        ECU Hardware: High Side Power Stage Short to Ground or Battery ECU故障:高 Power Stage 對地短路或對電池短路
1E2        Immobilizer failure (no fuel release)防盜器故障(無燃油噴射)
1E3        Overrun Monitoring failure超速監控故障
1E4        Redundant Engine Speed in Overrun Monitoring備用發動機速度監控故障
1E5        ECU Hardware: Sensor 12V Supply Voltage failure ECU硬件:12V電源電壓故障
1E6        ECU Hardware: Sensor Supply Voltage 1 failure ECU硬件:傳感器1電源
1E7        ECU Hardware: Sensor Supply Voltage 2 failureEDC硬件:傳感器電源2故障
1E8        ECU Hardware: Sensor Supply Voltage 3 failureEDC硬件:傳感器電源3故障
1E9        ECU internal Supply Voltage too highECU內部電源電壓過高
1EA        ECU internal Supply Voltage too lowECU內部電源電壓過低
1EB        Atmospheric Pressure Sensor failure大氣壓力傳感器
2E1        ECU Hardware: Low Side Power Stage Short to Ground or BatteryECU硬件:低Power Stage 對地短路或電池短路
